Introducing our Stay-On-Site delivery service! Now, you can have a selection of products delivered from our website straight to your door within 60 minutes. With seven branches across London, we ensure swift delivery on weekdays (excluding Bank Holidays) from 7 am to 3:30 pm. We deliver within a 5-mile radius of our branches.
Delivery charges start at just £10 (excluding VAT). Experience the convenience of fast and reliable service, making your shopping experience smoother and more efficient than ever. Stay on Site and we will deliver it!

How SOS Delivery works?

  1. Find your products. Check if the product is available for SOS delivery. You can check if the product is available on the product page or browsing on the SOS category tree.
  2. Check Availability. Check the traffic light on product pages to see if the product is available in your closer branch and select your branch on the top of the page. Please see screenshots below.
  3. Place your order. Once the order is placed, we will arrange your delivery. If you have any issues placing your order, you can see our FAQ section (below) or contact us for help. Please note we can only deliver within 5 miles from our branches. You can see our branch's locations here.
  4. Delivery within 60 minutes. Once the order is confirmed and delivery arranged, you will receive the details by text message or email so you can track your order. The delivery will take place within 60 minutes. If there is any issue with your order, our team will contact you.


SOS Delivery FAQs

  1. What is SOS Delivery? SOS Delivery is our express service to deliver products within 60 minutes within a 5 miles radius from our Branches in London and Home counties. 
  2. How much does SOS delivery cost? The delivery charge starts from £10 + VAT and it varies depending on your distance for the branch.
  3. What is the minimum spend for SOS delivery? There is no minimum spend to use our SOS delivery service.
  4. Is SOS Delivery available in my area? We deliver within 5 miles from our branches. You can check our branches locations here.
  5. How do you deliver? We’ll use a delivery partner to get your order delivered.
  6. Can I order outside of your opening hours? You can place an order outside of our branches opening hours but we won’t be able to offer the delivery until our next working day. 
  7. Can I track my order? Once your delivery is booked in with our delivery partner, you’ll receive a text message to track your order.
  8. Are there any product restrictions? Unfortunately, yes, there are. We can only deliver a selection of items. You can see if the items are eligible for SOS delivery on every product page, products available will have a “SOS delivery” flag. Please also check out our SOS Delivery categories on the homepage.
  9. Can I return an item? Yes, you can return your item. You can check our return policy details here.
  10. What if I’m not in for my delivery? Someone needs to be at the property to take the order. Otherwise, our delivery partner won’t be able to deliver the goods and you will still be charged.
  11. What if you haven't got what I want in stock? You will only be able to order items which are in stock at your selected branch. If items are out of stock in your selected branch, you can change your branch to another one if your delivery address is within the 5 miles radius.
  12. What if my delivery is late? Whilst we hope your order doesn’t arrive late, we appreciate sometimes things can go wrong. If your order is late, please get in touch the branch you order it from so they can help you.
  13. What if items are missing or damaged from my order? If items are missing or damaged from your order, please contact the branch you ordered from, and they’ll be able to help you.
  14. Can I cancel or change my order? As we deliver within 60 minutes, you can’t change or cancel your order after you've checked out. If you need to cancel your order, please call your branch and we will see how we can help. 
  15. I have an issue with my order, what can I do? If you have any problems with your order, please contact your branch so we can assist you.
  16. Can I place an order over the phone for SOS delivery? Yes, please contact your local branch and they will be able to provide a customised quote.

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